Social Support Program
Individual support and group activities to enhance the lives of Seniors in our community.

What is the Social Support Program?
The Social Support for Individuals Program is a social visiting service that provides trained volunteers who give their time to visit clients in their homes. It assists people to remain living in their own homes for as long as possible, and to maintain their independence. The service provides a vital link between residents who may be at risk of losing connection with their local community.
The Social Support Group Program is provided through a variety of special interest groups where new friendships can be formed, as well as forming a one on one relationship with a volunteer.
What does the Social Support for Individuals service offer?
Our trained volunteers visit and call residents on a weekly or fortnightly basis and may include:
having a chat over a cuppa
reading, especially for residents who have a visual impairment
pick up and return of books and resources from the local Library
writing and addressing mail
assisting with personal shopping and paying bills
accompanied activities like walking, visiting local cafes and shops, social groups, bus trips
support for carers
information, advocacy and referrals

What does the Social Support Group Program offer?
Our Seniors Social Groups are a wonderful opportunity to connect with people in your community, try something new, or just have fun. There's something for everyone! With our groups program you can...
learn new skills
meet new friends
relaxed atmosphere
enjoy a cuppa and a chat
share your knowledge
have fun!
To find out about groups that are currently running, you can pick-up a printed Seniors Social Groups Program Guide from our Neighbourhood Centres in Katoomba, Lawson and Blaxland. You can also view and download the Seniors Groups Program Guide here > and visit our What's On for Seniors page > for more information.
Who can use this service & what does it cost?
Anyone registered under My Aged Care with a referral code for either 'Social Support Individual' or 'Social Support Group'. We can help you with this process if needed. We will contact you to discuss what services may best suit your needs.
There is no formal cost structure for Social Support, but a small contribution will be asked based on the specific activity and what you can afford.
Please contact us for more information and for assistance to access this service.
Would you like to volunteer?
Our Social Support services rely on our wonderful team of volunteers who spend time with our program participants and help with our group activities. Volunteer are rewarded through the sharing of experiences and many lasting friendships are made.
Please contact us for more information or if you would like to consider becoming a volunteer. You can also register your interest in volunteering now by completing our online expression of interest form here >
What support do volunteer visitors receive?
All of our volunteers are a valued part of our Belong Blue Mountains team. Training is provided to Volunteers to ensure awareness of, and sensitivity to, the needs of the people we support.
Other support provided for Volunteers includes:
- Regular informal support meetings and training seminars are provided
- Reimbursement for out-of pocket expenses
- Contact with the larger Belong Blue Mountains community
- Contact and support from the ACVVS Co-ordinator

More Information
The Belong Blue Mountains Social Support Team can be contacted at:
Katoomba Neighbourhood Centre
81–83 Katoomba Street, Katoomba NSW 2780
Tel: 02 4782 1117
Mondays to Fridays 9:00am - 4:00pm
Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre
9 New Street, Lawson NSW 2783
Tel: 02 4759 2592
Mondays to Fridays 9:00am - 4:00pm
​Lower Mountains Neighbourhood Centre
33 Hope Street, Blaxland NSW 2774
Tel: 02 4739 1164
Tuesdays to Fridays 9:00am-4:00pm