Mountains Men Against Violence (MMAV) is a growing network of men in the Blue Mountains who come together to learn about, reflect upon and take action to prevent male violence against women.
Initiated by the Coalition Against Violence and Abuse (CAVA), MMAV aims to enable men to stand together with women to fight male violence and abuse. MMAV recognises that male violence against women is sustained by complex relationships between societal systems and personal attitudes about male and female roles in society.
MMAV uses the 'Our Watch' framework that identifies four key drivers of violence against women:
Rigid gender roles and stereotyped constructions of masculinity and femininity
Men’s control of decision making and limits to women’s independence in public and private life
Male peer relations that encourage aggression and disrespect towards women
The condoning of violence against women
MMAV’s role is to engage men in learning, discussion and action that raises awareness of these drivers and increases the possibility of men choosing behaviours that result in safer, more equal communities for women (and for everyone).