The DAWN Program Registration
If you would like to refer someone with dementia and their carer for support through the DAWN program, please complete this inital registration form.
More Information
The Belong Blue Mountains DAWN Program Team is based at:
Lower Mountains Neighbourhood Centre
33 Hope Street, Blaxland
Phone: 02 4739 1164
Email: info@belongbm.org.au
We access the National Translating and Interpreting Service.
Feedback or Complaints:
We welcome feedback to improve our services. Please contact us at the above contact details or by submitting an message via our website. Go to our contact us form >
Alternatively, for feedback or complaints, you can access the following services:
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission: 1800 951 822
Older Persons Advocacy Network: 1800 700 600
Commonwealth Ombudsman: 1300 362 072