Who We Are
Belong Blue Mountains is a locally-based, locally-run, community and neighbourhood services organisation formed in 2018 to bring together the Lower Mountains, Mid Mountains and Katoomba Neighbourhood Centres.
Our three Neighbourhood Centres have more than 100 years of community service between them. Run by a team of dedicated workers and passionate volunteers, our Centres are safe, welcoming places in which we work to build the strength, wellbeing, resilience and cohesion of our growing Blue Mountains community.
What We Do
We provide services and activities for people of all ages with many different needs. We aim to be inclusive and building connectedness and belonging to improve wellbeing, quality of life and social cohesion within the Blue Mountains community.
We create shared aspirations with our community. We link children, young people and adults with the support they need. And we provide volunteering opportunities for those who want to give back.
Why We Do It
Our work is grounded in the principles of social justice - connection, inclusion and access, safety and conditions for wellbeing.
We focus our resources on the disadvantaged and least powerful groups in the community. We believe the development of networks, mutual support and collective action can improve quality of life for our entire community.
Our Constitution
Belong Blue Mountains Inc. was formed through the coming together of the Lower Mountains, Mid Mountains and Katoomba Neighbourhood Centres and was formally launched on Thursday 8 November 2018.
You can read our official Constitution by viewing the PDF here >
Feedback and Complaints
Belong Blue Mountains is committed to providing high quality services to those in need, but sometimes we get it wrong. You can let us know where we have made a mistake by making a complaint or providing us with feedback.
You can read our official Complaints Information Sheet below. If you would like to submit a complaint or provide feedback, you can download the Complaints and Feedback Submission Form. If you would like a printed version of these documents, please Contact Us.
These Belong Blue Mountains publications provide an insight into the work we do including our Annual Report and Strategic Plan - they can be viewed and downloaded as PDFs here.

Belong Blue Mountains supports and accepts the Uluru Statement from the Heart as recognition of and support for First Nations people.